The Third International Conference on Materials and Manufacturing Technologies MATEHN’02 was held in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, from 12 to 14 September 2002. The Conference was organised by the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca and Ministry of Education and Research in collaboration with Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences, Romanian Society of Powder Metallurgy, Romanian Society of Materials Science, Romanian Association of Heat Treatment, Romanian Forging Association and Romanian Foundry Association.


ISSN: 1221-5872


List of selected papers:

pdf-iconAspects regarding the mathematical modelling of non conventional processes of plastic deformation, M.Pop, MATEHN’02 Conference, vol1, pp 411, 2002

pdf-iconThe influence of partial pressure of sputtering gases on the electrical resistence of Bi:2201 thin films, A.V.Pop, G.Ilonca, M.Pop, R. Deltour, MATEHN’02 Conference, vol1, pp213, 2002

pdf-iconThixoforming-Considerations About A New Solution for the Future, A.Neag, T.Canta, N.Cioica*, Technical University of Cluj Napoca, *S.C.Tehnomag SA Cluj, MATEHN’02, Acta Technica Napocensis, 45 (2002)

pdf-iconConsiderations on Forming of Nonferous Metallic Materials By Semi-Solid Injection Moulding, N. Cioica, A. Dragoste, F. Gnandt, T. Canta*, A. Neag*, SC Tehnomag-CUG SA,  Technical University of Cluj, Romania, MATEHN’02, Acta Technica Napocensis, 45 (2002)

pdf-icon Friction Assisted Pressing of PM Components, Canta, I. M. SAS-BOCA, D. Frunza, Third Int. Conf. on Materials and Manufacturing Technologies, MATEHN’02, 12-14 septembrie, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Vol.I, p. 534-539, ISSN 1221-5872

pdf-icon A software program for computer modeling of powder elaboration process, M.Bodea, E.Bicsak, N.Jumate, 3rd Int. Conf. on Mat. and Manufacturing Tech. MATEHN’02, Cluj-Napoca, Acta Technica Napocensis, 45 (2002), Part II, 507-512, DOI: 10.13140/2.1.4664.1448

pdf-icon On Lead Powder Loe Temperature X-Ray Diffraction, Arghir, G., Baraian, M., Jumate, N., Prica, C.V., Proceeding of Third International Conference on Materials and Technologies,
MATEHN’02, Acta Technica Napocensis, vol. 45, p.524-527

pdf-iconAspects Regarding The Designing Of Parts Made From Sintered Metallic Powder Fatigue Solicitated, Brandusan, L., Pavel, C., Domsa, S., Muresan, R., Proceedings of Third International Conference on Materials and Technologies, MATEHN’02, Acta Technica Napocensis, vol. 45, p.578-582.

pdf-iconThe analysis of some factors induced through pressing which influence the fatigue strength of sintered materials, Pavel, C., Palvalvi, A., Brandusan, L., Muresan, R., Proceedings of Proceeding of Third International Conference on Materials and Technologies, MATEHN’02, Acta Technica Napocensis, vol. 45, p.583-586.

pdf-iconThe influence Mo on the density and mechanical properties of the heavy alloys, Muresan, R., Pavel C., Dobra T., Brandusan L., Proceedings of Proceeding of Third International Conference on Materials and Technologies, MATEHN’02, Acta Technica Napocensis, vol. 45, p.587-590.

pdf-iconOn The Welding Behavior Of Ag-Ni Composites For Electrical Contact Materials, T. Dobra, R. Muresan, D. Bota, Proceedings of Proceeding of Third International Conference on Materials and Technologies, MATEHN’02, Acta Technica Napocensis, vol. 45, p.805-808.

pdf-iconCharacterization of Cu-Ni powders obtained through the liquid phase atomisation process, L. A. Sorcoi, M.V. Buharu, E. Bicsak, V. Constantinescu, D. Perneş, Proceedings Acta Tehnica Napocensis, Third International Conference on Materials and Manufacturing Technologies MATEHN’02, 12-14 Sept. 2002 Cluj-Napoca, Section: Machine constructions, Materials, vol.45, part II, Ed.ROPRINT, p. 603-607.

pdf-iconProperties of sintered parts obtained from iron based powders produced by “Ductil Iron Powder” Buzău, M. V. Buharu, E. Bicsak, L. A. Sorcoi, Proceedings Acta Tehnica Napocensis, Third International Conference on Materials and Manufacturing Technologies MATEHN’02, 12-14 Sept. 2002 Cluj-Napoca, Section: Machine constructions, Materials, vol.45, part II, Ed.ROPRINT, p. 513-517.

pdf-iconW-Cu composite powder by mechanical alloying, I. Cârceanu, I. Vida-Simiti, L. A. Sorcoi, V. Buharu, Proceedings Acta Tehnica Napocensis, Third International Conference on Materials and Manufacturing Technologies MATEHN’02, 12-14 Sept. 2002 Cluj-Napoca, Section: Machine Constructions, Materials, vol.45, part II, Ed.ROPRINT, p. 561-565.

pdf-icon Some Considerations Concerning the Chemical Vapour Deposition of Diamond from Water-Methanol Mixture, G. Negrea, Third International Conference on Advanced Materials and Technologies, MATEHN ’02, Cluj-Napoca, 12-14 Sept. 2002, Proceedings (Acta Technica Napocensis, vol. 45, 2002), pg. 649-654.

pdf-icon Evaluation of the Tendency Towards Formicary Type Corrosion of Copper Tubes in the Heat Exchangers for Air Conditioning, V. Curicuta, G. Negrea, Third International Conference on Advanced Materials and Technologies, MATEHN ’02, Cluj-Napoca, 12-14 Sept. 2002, Proceedings (Acta Technica Napocensis, vol. 45, 2002),   pg. 696-701.

pdf-icon The Influence Of Oil Quality On Tribocorrosion Of Steels, H. Vermeşan, D. Jichişan Mătieşan, G. Vermeşan, G. Negrea, Third International Conference On Advanced Materials And Technologies, Matehn ’02, Cluj-Napoca, 12-14 Sept. 2002, Proceedings (Acta Technica Napocensis, Vol. 45, 2002), Pg. 741-746