Published Papers:

1. Cereri/Brevete de invenție

1. I. Chicinaş, T.F. Marinca, F. Popa, B.V. Neamţu,
Pulbere nanostructurată de tipul Permalloy(Supermalloy)/Rhometal si procedeu de obținere,
Cerere brevet nr. a 2014 00700/19.09.2014, OSIM RO130354-A0,
Derwent Primary Accession Number: 2015-38529G
Prin Hotararea nr. 4/227 din 29.07.2016 OSIM, anexata la finalul raportului, s-a acordat Brevetul:
 „Procedeu de obţinere a unei pulberi nanostructurate de tipul Permalloy (Supermalloy)/Rhometal, care urmează a primi numar şi a fi publicat.

2. I. Chicinaş, T.F. Marinca, F. Popa, B.V. Neamţu,
Pulberi compozite de tipul fe sau aliaj feromagnetic/ferită magnetic moale cu structură de tipul pseudo „core-shell” și procedeu de obținere
Cerere brevet nr. A/10083/2015/18.12.2015, OSIM 

2. Lucrări publicate sau ȋn curs de publicare

A. Lucrări publicate în reviste cotate ISI


I. Chicinaş, T.F. Marinca, B.V. Neamțu, P. Pascuta, V. Pop

Thermal stability of the manganese-nickel mixed ferrite and iron phases in the Mn0.5Ni0.5Fe2O4/Fe composite/nanocomposite powder  

Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 118 (2014) 1269–1275

FI = 2,206,   SRI = 0,507



I. Chicinaş, T.F. Marinca, B.V. Neamţu, F. Popa, O. Isnard, V. Pop

Synthesis, structural and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline/nanosized manganese-nickel ferrite – Mn0.5Ni0.5Fe2O4

IEEE Trans Magn, 50(4) (2014) 2800704,
FI = 1,213,   SRI = 0,803


I. Chicinaş, T.F. Marinca, F. Popa, B.V. Neamţu

Rhometal interface in pseudo-core shell powders like Permalloy/Rhometal

Applied Surface Science, 358 (2015) 627–633,

FI = 2.711,  SRI = 1,37997



T.F. Marinca, I. Chicinaş, O. Isnard, B.V. Neamţu

Nanocrystalline/nanosized manganese substituted nickel ferrites –Ni1−xMnxFe2O4 obtained by ceramic-mechanical milling route

Ceramics International, 2015,

FI = 2.605,  SRI = 3,63177



Calin-Virgiliu Prica, Traian Florin Marinca, Florin Popa, Niculina Argentina Sechel, Olivier Isnard, Ionel Chicinaş,

Synthesis of nanocrystalline Ni3Fe powder by mechanical alloying using an extreme friction mode,

Advanced Powder Technology 27 (2016), 395-402,

B. Lucrări publicate în reviste din străinătate indexate ISI: 3



I. Chicinaş, T.F. Marinca, B.V. Neamţu, F. Popa, O. Isnard

Nanocrystalline/nanosized mixed nickel-manganese ferrites obtained by mechanical milling

Solid State Phenomena Vol. 216 (2014) pp 243-248



C.D. Stanciu, F. Popa, I. Chicinaş, O. Isnard

Synthesis of the Fe-6.5% wt. Si alloy by mechanical alloying

Advanced Engineering Forum Vol 13 (2015) pp 109-113,



C.V. Prică, C.D. Stanciu, F.  Popa, I. Chicinaş

The influence of milling conditions on the Ni3Fe alloyed powder

Advanced Engineering Forum Vol 13 (2015) pp 75-82



C. Lucrări prezentate/publicate la conferințe internaționale: 7


I. Chicinaş, T.F. Marinca, B.V. Neamţu, F. Popa, V. Pop, O. Isnard, V.F. Tarţa

Producing of NiFe2O4/(metal, alloy) nanocomposite/composite powders and compacts by mechanical milling and spark plasma sintering

Proc. Materials Science & Technology Conference, oct. 2013, Montreal, Canada – prezentare orală, CD



 I. Chicinaş, T.F. Marinca, F. Popa, B.V. Neamţu, V. Pop, P. Pascuta,

 Production of Nanostructured Powders like Permalloy (Supermalloy)/Rhometal Type

Proc. EuroPM 2014 European Powder Metall. Congress, Sept 2014, Salzburg, Austria, CD

Prezentare poster



I. Chicinaş

Soft magnetic nanocrystalline/nanostructured powders and compacts obtained by mechanosynthesis

Prezentare proiect - Salonul Cercetării Românești, Bucureşti, 15-18 oct. 2014

Prezentare poster



I. Chicinaş , T.F. Marinca, B.V. Neamtu, F. Popa, V. Pop, O. Isnard

Matériaux nanocomposites/nanostrucurés de type MeFe2O4/(Métal, alliage) obtenus par broyage mécanique de haute énergie et frittage flash

Congres Materiaux 2014-Matériaux fonctionnels, Montpellier, Franța, 24-28 nov. 2014

Prezentare orală


I. Chicinaş, T.F. Marinca, F. Popa, B.V. Neamtu, V. Pop, O. Isnard

Production de poudres nanostructurés de type Permalloy/Rhometal

Congres Materiaux 2014-Matériaux fonctionnels, Montpellier, Franța, 24-28 nov. 2014

Prezentare poster



I. Chicinaş, T.F. Marinca, F. Popa, B.V. Neamțu, V. Pop

Rhometal interface in pseudo-core shell powders like permalloy/rhometal type

9th International Conference on Materials Science & Engineering,  BRAMAT 2015

Braşov, Romania, 5-7 martie 2015

Prezentare orală



I. Chicinaş, T.F. Marinca, F. Popa, B.V. Neamţu, O. Isnard, V. Pop,

Pseudo core-shell powders like Permalloy/Rhometal type,

7th International Workshop on Amorphous and Nanostructured Magnetic Materials - ANMM 2015, 21-24 September 2015, Iaşi, România.

Prezentare poster



I. Chicinaş, T.F. Marinca, F. Popa, B.V. Neamţu, O. Isnard

Pseudo core-shell powders like Permalloy/Rhometal type
8th Joint European Magnetic Symposia, JEMS 2016, 21-26 August 2016, Glasgow, UK

Prezentare poster